Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Living Vision Experiment in spiritual community turns its July attention to labyrinths. The labyrinth is a rich, historic symbol and practice in Christian and pre-Christian tradition. Greek and Roman history and archeology are full of labyrinths, but theirs tended to be tests, traps, and mazes. In the years following 1000 C.E. labyrinths began appearing on church floors and walls, inviting disciples to enter their purposeful path for reflection. Such labyrinths became symbols for the essential human journey to the core, the center, the soul of who we are.

When spiritual devotees walk a labyrinth, they are not asked to make choices or decisions about which way to go: those choices are already dictated by the labyrinth's one way journey to the center. The disciple simply chooses to enter the path, to engage, and then, having done so, simply lets go and surrenders to the path. All that is required from there is an open mind, a receptive spirit, a willingness to walk, putting one foot in front of the other.

Some people use the labyrinth exercise to work on an intention or a focal point of some sort. Perhaps a decision needs to be made or an emotion needs to be mulled. When a group walks a labyrinth together, they can silently draw near to one another and to God simply by sharing the journey. I've read of groups supporting one of their members who is leaving, moving, or journeying through cancer treatments by entering a labyrinth's path together. The possibilities are endless, and yet the path is one - one way in and one way out.

For us at Living Vision, everything we do together emphasizes silencing ourselves, humbling ourselves before God and each other. We seek to go inward to a place that lies beneath words, below doctrine, beyond belief. We seek to encounter the God whose ways are not like our ways, whose thoughts are not like our thoughts.

We invite you to join us during any of the Tuesdays of July at Crouse Chapel on the grounds of Bay View to walk a labyrinth together. We gather at 7:30 and disperse at 8:30. All are welcome. If you have any questions or seek more information, email tobyjones48@gmail.com   Peace.