Saturday, September 22, 2012

An Update on Living Vision Happenings...

Wow! What a great start we are off to in our fall practice at Living Vision! We've had great participation and been enlivened as we gather for silence, contemplation, and centering. Our focal practice/discipline for September has been Centering Prayer, also known as Apophatic Prayer in some circles. In this discipline we've been seeking to get beyond or beneath words, to put ourselves in the most receptive state possible, as we listen for that still, small voice.

In October, we'll shape our silent practice using the wisdom of Michael Brown's The Presence Process, a book that has influenced several of the participants in our fellowship. Brown's work centers on bringing ourselves into the present moment more fully and freely through a simple meditation he calls "the presence process." As with all our practices, one's particular religious perspective or background is not a limiting factor for the efficacy of this discipline. People from all religions or no religion can plug into the deep wisdom we will experience together. So spread the word, ALL are welcome. We meet each and every Tuesday from 7:30-8:30 pm at Yoga Roots in Petoskey at 444 E. Mitchell St. Please enter via the back alley and remove your shoes as you do.

On a related note, several of our practitioners have expressed a desire to spend some time talking and discussing topics of mutual interest, so we are looking for a time slot in which to do that. We will protect our meditation time on Tuesdays but we could meet afterward or find another day and time for that purpose. There is so much more we could grow into as we seek to live in community together. Please let Toby know your thoughts about this via email at

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