Wednesday, July 1, 2015

What If...We Stopped Judging Others? God's preference for an UNweeded Garden

   The following is the full text of Toby's message delivered Tuesday, June 30 at the Bear River POW gathering....

         So last week, when we were here, we talked about a few “What If’s…” We asked 3 What IF’s of the church – what if a church or spiritual community didn’t have to be a place or a building, bounded by a uniform set of beliefs? Tonight I want to continue with our What If theme for the summer. Tonight I want to ask What If a church or spiritual community completely refrained from judging others? What if a spiritual community or church made an absolute, unwavering covenant never to judge, condemn, or belittle others, no matter what their identifiable differences…? What if…?
         Part of the reason I ask this particular question is that several years ago a research team from the Barna group polled people across this country to determine what the first thing or things people thought of when they heard the word “Christian.” Care to guess what the top three answers were – from millions of interviewees nation-wide…? The top three answers were judgmental, anti-homosexual, and anti-abortion. Those are the top 3 answers of what people associate with followers of Jesus. I’m sure Jesus is really proud to have his supposed followers known for those 3 things above all others. In fact, I bet for him it’s almost as good as…well… being crucified all over again!
         So can you see why I want us to explore the question of what if we were to let go - once and for all - of our incredibly pervasive tendency to judge, categorize, and condemn others?
         I’d like you to meet our musical guest tonight and get to know him a little better, because his story and journey have a lot to do with moving beyond judgment of others.  (Interview with Musical Guest - Rokko Jans)

         (Rokko and Melissa play "Geodes" by Carrie Newcomb) 

      I’ve never been much of a gardener but occasionally I’ll have the chance to spend some time in some of my friends’ gardens. Some of them have an amazing way with flowers, vegetables, and all things green. I don’t have free reign when it comes to other people’s gardens. I’m relegated to watering when they’re out of town or unable to get to it. I’m occasionally granted permission to weed, though my gardening friends are pretty leery – just as my own mother was - about turning me loose on the weeds. You see, I’ve pulled out more than a few good plants and flowers when I thought all I was doing was weeding. I’ve pulled out little fledgling something or others - chives, parsley, and even some tomato stalks. Nowadays, about the only way anyone lets me into their garden to weed is if they can actually point out exactly what to pull out and what to leave – AND stay there watching so I don’t screw it up!
         You know there’s a great story Jesus told about weeding a garden. Does anybody remember it? Check it out…(read Mt. 13) God’s kingdom, Jesus says, is like an unweeded garden, a huge mixture of good and bad, of productive and unproductive. And did you happen to hear that it is NOT for the Lord’s servants to do the weeding? The servants of the king come to their Lord dutifully and ask, “Do you want us go and pull the weeds up?” And without hesitation the king replies, “No, for while you are pulling up the weeds, you may root up some of the wheat as well. Let both grow together until the harvest.” Let them BOTH grow TOGETHER until the harvest.
         What a lesson! What a challenge! What a metaphor for life! If we are going to call ourselves followers of Jesus, then we are supposed to live and love in an UNweeded garden. We’re to make no distinctions about who is good and who isn’t, about who is in and who is out, about who gets water and who doesn’t.
         It really shouldn’t surprise us that Jesus prefers the garden of his creation to be unweeded. Remember in his famous Sermon on the Mount, when Jesus put it this way: “You have heard it said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you; Love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be true sons of your father in heaven. For God causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” (Matthew 5:43-45) That’s our model; that’s our calling – to live and love in an unweeded garden and to make no distinction in how we treat people. When it comes to people, we are called and commanded to stay out of the weeding business, to let our light shine and our love fall upon the evil as well as the good, on the righteous as well as the unrighteous.
         As a teacher of World Religions at NCMC, one of fascinating things I’ve observed is the growing interest my students seem to have in Buddhism and Hinduism, while their interest in Christianity continues to wane and fade away. We saw this from Megan who was with us last week for the interview, right? Do you know what draws them to those religions, rather than to say Christianity or Islam…? The fact that Buddhists and Hindus don’t dismiss, criticize, or condemn people of other religions.
         When asked by a reporter during his march to the sea if he wanted to convert the whole world to Hinduism, do you remember Gandhi’s reply? ”No! I simply want Hindus to be better Hindus, Jews to be better Jews, Christians to be better Christians, and Muslims to be better Muslims.” This was his way of acknowledging that no religion is superior to any other and no truly religious people would ever judge or condemn those of another religion. Gandhi also once said that “the essence of Hinduism is to learn to see God in every living being and act accordingly.” Isn’t that pretty much the essence of Christianity, too? Isn’t that exactly what Jesus did? If only his followers could do the same, right?
         Judging others is such a slippery slope, isn’t it? We are always making judgments and acting on such limited information. We have some teachers here tonight, don’t we? Teachers know a little something about working in an unweeded garden, don’t we? Each and every classroom is the ultimate unweeded garden. For 14 years, when I was teaching, every fall when I’d get a new class list, I’d do the same, stupid, judgmental thing. I’d run my index finger down the list, hoping that I’d have certain “good kids” in my class, and hoping even more fervently that I’d NOT have to endure certain “weeds” in my classroom. But despite my hoping and praying, I always got some unique mix of the kids I wanted and those I didn’t want to have. And do you know what else I remember about all my classes over 14 years of teaching? Some of the kids I thought I really wanted to have weren’t always so great, AND one or two of the kids I thought would absolutely ruin my class, turned out a lot better than I thought. In the end, I guess I wasn’t that good at telling which were the weeds and which were the flowers. In the end, the true challenge of teaching was to give all the kids in my classroom my absolute best, whether I thought they were weeds or beautiful flowers. The challenge was to learn to see God in every student and treat them accordingly.
         You know, we live in a time and in a country where more Christians than ever want to weed the garden, which is why that Barna survey revealed what it did about what people associate with Christians and Christianity. And it’s not just that Christians want to weed the garden: they want to weed it NOW. For many Christians, it’s the Muslims who are the weeds, and if we could just separate and get rid of “them” with all their terrorists and suicide bombers, we’d be set. For others in our so-called Christian family, it’s the pro-choicers, the homosexuals, and the liberals that need to be weeded out so that God’s true kingdom can come. You can fill in the blanks on who and what your weeds are, but we’ve all got them, don’t we?
         But our Master Gardener – Jesus the Christ - has made it clear; we’re not very good weeders. Despite our good intentions, when we weed, we pull out and get rid of too much stuff that God wants and that God is still working with. In our impatience to “get-r-done,” we lose sight of the fact that, as Isaiah said some 2,800 years ago, “God’s ways are not like our ways.” (Isaiah 55:8)
(Insert song – What’s Going On?)
         ‘Come on, Toby. Aren’t there are a number of passages in our scriptures that seem to give us Christians license to weed, or at least criteria that we think we can use to weed on God’s behalf?’ Yes, as a matter of fact there are. I won’t chronicle all of them now, but I do want to examine one of the biggest and most influential of these apparent license-to-weed passages Christians often call upon, just to show you how dangerous AND misused such texts can be. In John chapter 10, beginning in verse 7, Jesus says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and robbers; but the sheep did not heed them. I am the door; if any one enters by me he will be saved.” License to weed, right? Could this be any clearer? Jesus puts himself at the door of the kingdom of God. He’s the gatekeeper. That means, that as followers of Jesus, we’re set! We’re on the “right” side of this whole religious argument, right! The God we worship is the true God, and so all the Muslims and Jews and Hindus and Buddhists must be the weeds. Let the weeding begin!
         Not so fast. Not so fast. If we keep reading in this very same chapter of John’s gospel, we come to verse 16. Jesus continues: “And I have other sheep that are not of this fold; I must bring them in also, and they will heed my voice. So, ultimately, there shall be one flock and one shepherd.” What did Jesus say? Other sheep? Not of this fold? Sheep that WILL hear his voice – note the future tense. Can you see how John 10 – when you read it entirely and in its context – is NOT license to weed at all, but, in fact, quite the opposite?
         My friends, the God we worship is alive. The God that these scriptures give testament to is still working! He’s not finished with any of us yet, and He’s certainly not finished with the world. We can’t start weeding. It’s too soon, and it’s not our job.
         So what if…what if we agreed to let go of weeding forever? What if we agreed to let go of judging forever? What if our only job were to love, to serve, to feed, and to lift up others indiscriminately? What if a spiritual community committed to letting the rain of our love fall on the just as well as on the unjust, for that is the model we’ve been given in Christ?
         What if…? Can you imagine it? Can you imagine…

     (the message concluded with Toby, Melissa, and Rokko singing John Lennon's "Imagine.")

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